Recommended firmness based on sleeping position
Side Sleepers

Back Sleepers

Stomach Sleepers

Click on desired firmness level below

10 - Extra Firm
A Level 10 Extra Firm Mattress will generally have compressed padded foams on top and below the padded foams a very firm support base, comprised of a strong coil unit or blocks of dense rigid support foam.
Recommended Matresses
20 - Firm
A Level 20 Firm Mattress will generally have a less compressed foam padded layer, more conformability and about 10% more cushion than an extra firm mattress. The coil or support foam base will generally be just as strong as an extra firm base with increased give in the padded layers and very little give in the base support system.
Recommended Matresses
30 - Medium Firm
A Level 30 Medium Firm or Luxury Mattress will generally have a less compressed foam padded layers, more conformability and about 10% more cushion than a firm mattress. The coil or support foam base will generally be just as strong as an extra firm base with increased give in the padded layers and very little give in the base support system.
Recommended Matresses
40 - Plush Firm
A Level 40 Plush Firm Mattress will generally have an increased height of layers of padded foam, more conformability and about 20 % more cushion than a firm mattress. The coil or support foam base will generally be just as strong as an extra firm base with increased give in the padded layers and very little give in the base support system. One of the more popular choices for a back and stomach sleeper and a great compromise for a couple where one partner prefers a firm mattress and the other partner prefers prefers a medium cushy feel. The rigid support layer should provide enough support to the partner that prefers a mattress with a firm base.
Recommended Matresses
50 - Plush
A Level 50 Plush Mattress will generally have an increased height of layers of padded foam, more conformability and about 30% more cushion than a firm mattress. The coil or support foam base will have more give and conformability than the plush firm category giving the customer an increased combined softer feel than a mattress with a firm base. The illustration shows increased give in the foam support layer with increased give in the top padded layers as well. One of the more popular choices for a back and side sleeper and a great compromise for a couple where one partner prefers a medium firm mattress and the other partner prefers prefers a medium cushy feel. In addition we have found that the give in a mattress with a plush support base helps releave the pressure on womens hips who sleep on their side.
Recommended Matresses
60 - Ultra Plush
A Level 60 Ultra Plush Mattress will have an increased height of layers of padded foam, more conformability and about 20% more cushion than a Plush mattress. The coil or support foam base will generally have more give and conformability giving the customer an increased combined softer feel than a mattress with a firm base. One of the more popular choices for a back and side sleeper and a great compromise for a couple where one partner prefers a plush mattress and the other partner prefers and even softer feel.
Recommended Matresses
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